Jan Fitzpatrick
Address 8880 Rio San Diego Dr, 8th Floor, San Diego, CA 92108
Mobile 847-791-7362
Email janfitz19@gmail.com
Location California - All Locations, San Diego: Central
Language English
Specialty Sales: Residential

Jan Fitzpatrick


Jan lived in Illinois most of her life while splitting her time between here and California where she resides in University Heights. She is licensed in both states and is a Broker in Illinois where she has been a REALTOR for 30 years. She works mainly off of referrals and loves being able to sell in two states! She has a daughter and son in law and 3 grandchildren. She also has a son who at the time of this writing may already be a newlywed! Jan also has experience working as a retail manager for Brighton and Chico's.

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