meet Mindi

California REALTOR® Mindi Landry doesn’t consider selling real estate a job. She considers it a privilege.  She conducts her business with the knowledge that people don’t care how much she knows until they know how much she cares – and caring is one of her trademarks.

For all of her 48 year career in real estate sales, she’s focused on the relationships, and on helping clients solve their problems and reach their goals. Her job always begins with listening and on focusing on HOW to bring about the desired results. Anyone can identify a problem; Mindi is more interested in finding the solutions.

meet sherry

Sherry Powers is a full-time real estate agent who specializes in the Southern California area. After moving to Temecula from South Orange County in 2016, she was inspired to recast her business savvy and love of people into a professional real estate career.

Sherry brings a strong relational approach to doing business, skills she has honed over years of client and colleague interactions, a long corporate career, and countless professional sales trainings. Her clients love her because she asks questions and listens to the answers to meet their needs. For Sherry, there is no singular approach to real estate because she knows every client is different. A high-touch agent known for her expert knowledge of the Riverside, San Diego, and Orange County markets and unmatched devotion to her clients, Sherry’s success is based almost exclusively on referrals.

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