Client Information
Client Name
Business Name
Best Way to Contact
Best time to call
Referred by
Are you working with another agent?
Would you like our brokerage to represent you in your search, negotiations, and lease structuring?
About the Business
What type of business?
How long have you been in business?
Number of employees?
Who are your typical customers?
How do your customers find your business?
Other existing locations? Where?
Other businesses that complement your business?
Keep the search confidential (concerned about employees, competitors, etc)?
About the space: What is your timeline - when do you need the space?
Building size and layout?
Lot size (parking)?
What will the space be used for?
Where is your ideal location (county/area/city, etc.)?
Any particular type of area/neighborhood/demographics?
Appearance/location type (office/professional setting, retail, industrial area, etc)?
Traffic requirements (main road, secondary, etc)?
Client/customer access (foot traffic)?
Lease Type (Gross, NNN, Full Service):
What is the maximum rent budget (base rent plus NNN)?
What are you currently paying for rent?
Lease (skip and go to the next page if a purchase)
Lease type?
Lease term?
Option(s) to renew?
What is your tenant improvement budget?
What other factors are important in the lease?
Send to: [Enter preferred contact email]
What type of commercial property are you looking to purchase?
Other (please specify)
What is your budget for purchasing the property?
What is the preferred location or area for the property?
What is your timeline for purchasing the property?
Do you have any specific financing needs or considerations?
Are there any zoning requirements or restrictions that are important to you?
What are your future plans for the property?
Other (please specify)
What are your long-term goals with this purchase?
Short-term investment
Long-term hold
Immediate use
Other (please specify)
Are there any other factors or requirements important to you in the property purchase?
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your responses will help us find the best commercial real estate solution for your business.