
Modern Agent: Real Estate Marketing Strategies for Today's Market

Lisa Niel: AARE Real Estate

Success often hinges on more than just numbers and transactions. It’s about understanding the human element, connecting with clients on a personal level, and inspiring confidence. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce Lisa Niel, who is set to become a game-changer at AARE Real Estate.

The Journey from Homelessness to Inspiration

Lisa Niel’s story is nothing short of extraordinary. Once homeless, voiceless, timid, and filled with fear, she has now transformed into a level-five extrovert, a global traveler, an international speaker, and a master storyteller. Lisa’s journey is one of courage, resilience, and unwavering determination.

She confidently addresses thousands of people worldwide, sharing her remarkable transition from a life filled with debilitating fear, anxiety, and depression to one marked by power, confidence, and purpose. Lisa is on a mission, and she has ignited a movement that is captivating, inspiring, and changing lives around the world.

An International Speaker with a Unique Gift

Lisa’s journey as an international speaker has taken her to Africa five times in the last five years. She serves as a conference keynote speaker, facilitator, and trainer, leaving a lasting impact on her audiences. Lisa possesses a rare gift for bringing out the best in others through her signature programs focused on leadership, self-discovery, overcoming adversity, and “Putting the SWAG back in your Business.”

Her messages of triumph over obstacles are not just inspiring; they are also filled with practical and powerful insights that resonate with people from all backgrounds and professions. Lisa’s ability to connect with her audience is unparalleled, making her an exceptional asset to AARE Real Estate.

Please join us for our next in-person training at the Lexus Escondido Office. AARE Coach Lisa Niel will be presenting on “Unabashed & Unstoppable For Real Estate Agents & Brokers.” Come learn how to unlock the power of your mindset to find success even in a challenging market.

Date: Tuesday, October 24th
Time: 9:00am-11:00am
Location: 1205 Auto Park Way 2nd Floor (Lexus Building), Escondido, CA 92029

A Remarkable Journey of Education and Success

Lisa’s educational journey is equally impressive. She holds an MBA from the University of Redlands, California, where she graduated with academic distinction as a first-generation legacy student. Her achievements include being a fellow of the Whitehead Leadership Society and serving as a graduate mentor.

Her professional experience in business encompasses roles such as a Mortgage Loan Consultant, Realtor, Corporate Real Estate Advisor, and Vice President and Chief Operating Officer in Real Estate Finance. Today, Lisa uses her extensive business acumen as the Owner and President of Lisa Niel Inspiring Hearts LLC and as the Founder and CEO of Inspiring Hearts, a global nonprofit 501(c)3 charitable corporation.

The Source of Lisa’s Confidence

You may be wondering where Lisa’s confidence comes from or how she became a powerhouse speaker, or how she travels the world. The answer is simple: Lisa knows who she is and why she is here. She invites you to join her on a remarkable journey of self-discovery that will unlock, uncover, and unleash your powerful essence. Lisa’s mission is to help you experience the life you were always meant to live: a life that is UNABASHED & UNSTOPPABLE.

In the world of real estate, success often hinges on more than just numbers and transactions. It’s about understanding the human element, connecting with clients on a personal level, and inspiring confidence. That’s why we are thrilled to introduce Lisa Niel, who is set to become a game-changer at AARE Real Estate.

As Lisa Niel joins AARE Real Estate, we anticipate a transformative impact on the way we do business. Her empowering and inspirational messages, coupled with her practical insights, will undoubtedly help us build lasting and rewarding real estate careers. We look forward to witnessing the positive changes she brings to our team and the real estate industry as a whole.

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