Generous Capitalism®
As a faith-based company, we often reflect on what it means to give back. We push to consider the diverse ways in which we can support those around us. Our goal is to foster a culture of caring through purposeful, tangible action by reestablishing the often-forgotten art of generosity. Below is a list of the three major ways AARE upholds this culture of dynamic giving:  our business model of Generous Capitalism®, our work with the nonprofit Eye of a Needle, and our Generous Giving Program. We are continuously working to do more, give more, and be more generous. We are always looking to learn more about how we can give back to our communities and hope we can teach others along the way.
Ways We Give Video

We're all in this together

An innovative business model that promotes the importance of corporate social responsibility through generous business practices. This system reminds us that we must consider the larger impact our business has on our communities. Ultimately, our goal is to invest in the people and organizations around us that are the building blocks of our communities. We use our top-line profits to uplift those around us.

Generous Capitalism® Video
eye of he needle

Eye of A Needle

Eye of a Needle Foundation (EOAN) is 501C3 nonprofit based in San Diego, CA. This global organization works to support hundreds of secular and faith-based organizations worldwide by providing service and support through . The central ideal that EOAN carries throughout their work is the question: “What do I believe, and how are my actions a reflection of those beliefs?”

Since EOAN’s founding, the nonprofit has provided empowering community outreach to organizations supporting individuals experiencing homelessness, incarcerated people, underprivileged communities, and children without guardians through the lens of faith-based giving. Learn more at Eye of a Needle.

Choose To Be Generous Video

Generous Giving

AARE’s Generous Giving Program is an innovative initiative that is at the heart of much of our charitable work. The Generous Giving Program is AARE’s organized support system that pairs company sales commissions with charities across the nation. Through this system, we are able to generate significant financial contributions to support eligible charities and their ongoing work. Donations come from the company’s and agents’ portion of commission, not our client’s pocket, allowing this program to benefit both clients and charities alike having no cost.

Generous Giving Video


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