Yangchou Michael Ni
Company AARE
Address 2600 W Olive Ave, 5th Floor, Burbank, CA 91505
Mobile 862-812-7580
Email ymni88@yahoo.com
Location California - All Locations, Burbank
Language English
Specialty Investments: Residential, Special Designation: Realtor, Investments: Commercial, Property Management: Commercial

Yangchou Michael Ni

Commercial Real Estate Professional

My father was in construction business all his life, I have been naturally exposed to real estate business since I was a young boy and enjoy/benefit a lot from it. Trained as a Chemical Engineer, with this very unique background when I decided to obtain the real estate license in 1986 in New Jersey. I have been successful working in regular job to manage technical and marketing with global business and part time in real estate. I moved to southern California in 2007, love the weather here. My specialty is in land development and commercial real estate along with residential and property management. I have been using the systematic approach from the engineering training and global sales & marketing skills to enhance my real estate life. Will listen to and advise clients to satisfy their needs.

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