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Investing in AARE’s Real Estate Investment Trust: A Golden Opportunity

As we navigate an ever-evolving real estate market, AARE presents a promising opportunity for investors to not only achieve impressive financial returns but also contribute to community transformation. This article delves into the historical performance of AARE’s CEO, Andrew Arroyo, current market research, and the benefits of investing in AARE’s Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT).

A Track Record of Success

AARE was founded by Andrew Arroyo, who brings a robust 20-year history of successful real estate investments. Andrew Arroyo’s personal track record and previous syndications showcase a consistent pattern of profitable ventures. A copy of the track record is available upon request.

  • San Diego Foreclosure Fund (2008-2012): During the foreclosure crisis, Andrew Arroyo led a fund with investments that yielded over 50% net returns for investors.
  • Neighborhood Investment Network (2016-Present): This syndication also demonstrated significant gains, highlighting the AARE management team’s ability to identify and capitalize on valuable property opportunities.
  • Personal Investments: (1999- Present) Andrew Arroyo invested his own money over the last 20 years in properties and made excellent returns.

Why Now? The Market Opportunity (2024-2026)

The next three years present a unique window for strategic real estate investments. Here’s why:

  1. Loan Maturities: Nearly $2 trillion in commercial real estate loans are set to mature, creating a scenario where many property owners, unable to refinance due to higher interest rates, will be forced to sell at discounted prices.
  2. Tightening Lending Standards: Banks and other lenders are becoming more cautious, reducing the availability of capital. This leads to increased opportunities to acquire valuable properties at reduced costs.
  3. Inflation and Interest Rates: With interest rates rising, many properties are currently overvalued, leading to a correction that AARE plans to capitalize on.

AARE’s Investment Philosophy

AARE’s approach is simple yet effective: buy properties at favorable prices, improve them, and hold them for long-term gains. This strategy not only ensures immediate cash flow but also appreciates asset value over time. The company focuses on:

  • Value-Add Properties: Investing in properties that need improvements to enhance their value and appeal.
  • Effective Management: Utilizing proven property management techniques to increase occupancy and rental income.
  • Community Impact: Partnering with organizations like Apartment Life and Marketplace Chaplains to foster community well-being and tenant satisfaction.

Unique Benefits for Investors

Investing with AARE offers several compelling advantages:

  • Regular Cash Flow: 90% of the income is distributed to investors as dividends, providing consistent returns.
  • Tax Efficiency: Strategies like 1031 exchanges and cost segregation allow for significant tax savings.
  • Retirement Plan Compatibility: Investors can use self-directed IRAs, 401(k)s, and other retirement plans.
  • Transparency and Communication: AARE maintains consistent and transparent communication with investors through monthly updates, quarterly reports, and annual audits.

AARE’s Real Estate Investment Trust offers a unique opportunity to invest in the current market. With a proven track record, a strategic investment philosophy, and a commitment to community impact, AARE is poised to deliver significant returns to its investors. As the market presents ripe opportunities over the next 18-24 months, now is the ideal time to consider joining AARE on this journey.

For more information on how to invest, contact Andrew Arroyo or Investor Relations Director, Nick Bonner, at 619.889.0947 or visit aare.com/reit.

Legal Disclaimer

There is no guarantee of returns. Historical performance is not indicative of future results. An investment in Andrew Arroyo Real Estate, Inc., a Delaware corporation (“AARE”) involves risk.  You should not invest any funds in this offering unless you can afford to lose your entire investment.  In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their own examination of AARE and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. These securities have not been recommended or approved by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority. AARE is subject to the same risks that all companies in its business, and all companies in the economy, are exposed to. See the legal disclaimer page within the offering presentation and the risk factors section within the offering circular for more details.

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